Thursday, May 28, 2009

Question of the Month

Question of the Month for June, 2009:

What Happens at the End of a Christian Life on Earth?

Read the June E-zine at
where multiple working hypotheses are presented.

What do you think other people believe or have been taught?
What do you think?
What evidence can you find to support or, more importantly, to refute, any of the hypotheses?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Re-Designing AnOldScientist Web Site

The web site, is in the throws of being re-designed. It now introduces the subject of what the bible really teaches concerning science and the origins. Take a look and give me your ideas and suggestions.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sabbath, Religious Rite or Scientific Phenomenon?

In this months Science and the Bible e-zine the question is to be asked, is the Sabbath a Religious Rite or a Scientific Phenomenon?
If you are not a subscriber get your copy of back issues and sign up for free future issues at:

Friday, December 19, 2008

There are many examples of the bible mentioning details in the realm of science that are verified by modern science, but unknown at the time the mention was recorded in the bible. In fact, some of them were so unknown that bible translators did not know how to translate what was mentioned.
All this is in accord with that new fourth school of thought that says you can believe the bible because of science rather than in spite of science.
The 104th Psalm is a praise of God, mentioning over fifty items of natural science and praising God’s greatness in creating it all.
Each of these items mentioned have been confirmed by modern science
In one verse, a literal translation of Psalms 104 says that the mountains rose and the valleys lowered to a level of equilibrium, and they continue to do that. The traditional translations of that verse into English put a spin on it. That spin implied that it was the water, not the dirt and rocks that went up and down. That is because all scientists and theologians of the time knew that mountains and valleys don’t move. To make the scriptures appear to agree with reality, they had to put a spin on it.
However, since about 1900, theologians have been able to correctly translate that verse—with a clear conscience.
1900 is when, modern science made the discovery that the continents are virtually floating in the soft, more dense, rock layer below; that mountains do go up, and valleys do sink to a point of equilibrium.
Yet the bible published that fact over two-thousand, nine-hundred years before modern science made that discovery.
There are many other examples. Many places in the bible refer to that layer of our planet that holds up the continents.
Modern science refers to it as the mantle layer.
The bible refers to it as the foundations of the earth (meaning the foundation of the continents), and describes it as the molten support for the earth (continents.)
All this is verified by recent discoveries of modern science.
Many, Many more Scientific facts and events of the origins are mentioned in the bible in great detail. There is sufficient detail that it can be claimed that the bible supernaturally recorded reality concerning the origins thousands of years before modern science confirmed that same reality by independent discovery.
There is new hope for the faith of the Christian students entering college.